
Got books?

Thursday, January 31st, 2019

Do you enjoy reading? Do you like learning? And talking about it over vegan food with like-minded people? Then maybe we have an opportunity for you!

We’re considering starting up a book club. We would select a book to read, read it, then meetup to discuss it, every 2 months.

Here’s a selection of books that would fit in the nonfiction theme we’re targeting, animal-rights or vegan health books (science-based). If you’re interested, please contact Tammy to express interest and let us know what works best for a meeting time for you (weekday/weekend, and morning/afternoon/evening).


Initial responses have led us to selecting Sunday morning as our meeting time, and the book Beyond Beliefs for our first reading selection

We will be having an “open house” meeting in March, and we can discuss future books & meeting dates, etc at that time. Note:it’s not a requirement to join us for every book we read. You can opt-in based on whatever books interest you.

3/3 Sun “Open House”/introductory meeting, 10 am to 11 am (everyone can bring different books, talk about book club, dates) – RSVP

5/19 Sun Beyond Beliefs discussion, 10 am to noon – RSVP 

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Host a Vegan Food Party in 2019!

Saturday, November 24th, 2018

Want to enjoy a delicious feast of 100% plant-based foods without travelling far?   Then host our #veganfoodparty!

They’re typically the 4th Saturday of the month, and the time is flexible (usually 5-8 pm, but it can be earlier or later depending on your preference).

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Spring 2018 College Outreach

Monday, February 12th, 2018

Upcoming volunteer events at local colleges to raise awareness of how animals are treated and promote veganism.

2/14/2018 – Wed – Napa Valley college (Napa)

2/20/2018 – Tue – Diablo Valley College (Pleasant Hill)
2/26/2018 – Mon – Napa Valley college (Napa)
2/28/2018 – Wed – Solano Community College (Fairfield)

3/07/2018 – Wed – Diablo Valley College (Pleasant Hill)
3/12/2018 – Mon – Napa Valley college (Napa)
3/14/2018 – Wed – Solano Community College (Fairfield)



We typically start at DVC (Pleasant Hill) at 7:30 am, and at SCC (Fairfield) and NVC (Napa) at 8:45 am, and leaflet until 11:15 – 11:30ish, depending on how the student traffic is.

You’re welcome to join for all or part of it the time!  Please email us and let us know so we can plan accordingly for outreach materials.

Knowledge Needed:  Familiarity with veganism for the occasional question

Experience Needed:  Ability to smile, & hold out your arm while holding a booklet

As easy as smiling and holding out leaflet

Sjaak’s Vegan Chocolate Quiz – Answers

Sunday, March 22nd, 2015

Because thinking about food choices and environmental impact is such a dry topic (pun intended), sometimes we quipped “Answer a question for vegan chocolate!”

Here is the complete list of questions and answers used at the BAVeg booth at Vallejo Earth Day.  Please consider taking the quiz first — without looking at the answers, below.  Here is a link to the questions only

For those pondering the questions, here are the answers and the sources we used.  Kudos to Debbie who led the research and selection on the questions.

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Ordinary People, Extraordinary Compassion

Sunday, February 8th, 2015

Q: Why did the activists hand out the leaflets?
A: To raise awareness of factory farming and plant the seeds of a compassionate, healthy and eco-friendly plant-based lifestyle

In the month of January, leafleting at 3 schools and 1 Farmer’s Market, Alyssa, Debbie, Don, and Tammy have distributed 4,251 vegan leaflets. Our outreach continues – 3rd Saturday at the Vallejo Farmer’s Market (monthly), and various dates at Diablo Valley College, Napa Valley College, and Solano Community College.

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Vegan/Animal Rights Book Club

Friday, January 2nd, 2015

Bay Area Vegetarians is starting a book club that will read nonfiction vegan and animal rights topics, and the occasional fiction story that has a vegan theme.  (If you are a long-time member, then we are “restarting” the book club.)

There’s some wonderful books out there. If you’d like to read more books (and enjoy vegan food during the discussions), then maybe this is the book club for you! Read the rest of this entry »

Vegan info to over 13K people

Thursday, December 11th, 2014

13,890 leaflets, to be precise.  That’s how many leaflets our volunteers distributed to individuals at Bay Area colleges in the Spring and Fall 2014 semesters, and in recent outreach at the Vallejo Farmer’s Market in October and November of this year.

We’re gardeners, planting the seeds of compassion and good health for the next crop of vegans and vegetarians.

Join us for our final outreach activity for the year — Saturday, Dec 20th at the Vallejo Farmer’s Market.

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Vegan outreach at Vallejo Farmer’s Market

Thursday, October 30th, 2014

Photo collage of the day's vegan outreach at Vallejo Farmer's Market (Solano County)

Vegan outreach at Vallejo Farmer’s Market (Solano County)

On Saturday, October 18th, a typically sunny yet slightly cool fall morning, BAVeg launched its mobile outreach unit at the Vallejo Farmer’s Market.  What is a mobile outreach unit?

Well, if you’re a budget-conscious, small non-profit, it’s a shopping cart and plank of thin wood with all the trimmings for outreach – posters, tablecloth, business cards and hundreds of leaflets from Vegan Outreach and Farm Sanctuary (Compassionate Choices, Even If You Like Meat, Why Vegan, both English and Spanish language versions, Truth about Humane Meat, Eggs, and Dairy, and, of course, holiday recipes)

Our mission:

– distribute information on all the awesome reasons to eat plant-strong, vegan foods
– connect and support other vegans and vegetarians, as well as the veg-curious, in the area

Given that 548 pieces of literature were distributed that morning, and we met some wonderful new veg friends, it was a successful day!

Darren, who’s initial enthusiasm for this project was key to making it happen, explained why this activity was important to him and his partner Todd. “We wanted to join because I work at Farm Rescue and see the bad side of what humans do to other sentient beings, so it is important to us that we get out there and try to educate as many people as possible to all the wonderful cruelty-free options we have , so as to avoid having  to rescue and save these wonderful souls in the first place. If we leaflet, speak up, we can hopefully change even just one person, which has a big impact on your animal population and on the planet.”

We will be returning to do more vegan outreach at the Vallejo Farmer’s Market, typically on the 3rd Saturday.  Please come visit us — next date is Saturday, November 15th.  Volunteers are welcome, no previous experience necessary.  The market runs from 9 am to 2 pm, and it would be ideal to cover its entire duration with two shifts of volunteers, say 9 am – 11:30 am, and 11:30 am to 2 pm.  Interested in helping?  Please contact Tammy


Double your Donation for Meat-Eaters to try Veg Food

Saturday, March 24th, 2012

Please join Bay Area Vegetarians for the first annual Oakland Veg Week!

Oakland Veg Week is a week-long celebration (April 15-21, 2012) that invites meat-eaters to pledge to be vegetarian for one week. It’s a positive, upbeat event where everyone wins: Meat-eaters who want a little help with their veg experiment, local restaurants who want more customers, the City of Oakland (who, let’s face it, could use some happy press!), and most importantly, the animals who would really, really, really like to see more vegetarians!

Bay Area Vegetarians is going to match every donation made for OVW12 up to $500.00. For real! That means a possible total of $1,000 to buy more vegan food to give to meat-eaters…if you can help us out. Your $50 donation is actually $100 with this match, and it’s tax-deductible! Oakland Veg Week is all volunteer, all free, and all awesome. With your support, OVW can reach more meat-eaters with the veg information and samples.

Please consider donating today to help create more vegetarians!
Bay Area Vegetarians, OVW, P.O. Box 700, Vallejo, CA 94590 credit card also accepted

What we like most about Oakland Veg Week … let us know what you like about OVW in the comments.

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Favorite Dishes for a Vegan Food Party

Saturday, February 5th, 2011

Bay Area Vegetarians’ Vegan Food Party (VFP) is a community-inspired gathering where new and old friends meet to share conversation and like-minded camaraderie over homemade vegan foods.  Both members and guests (including veg*ns and non-veg*ns) are welcome to attend, as long as they bring a vegan dish to share.

And that’s the challenge for the party go’er.. deciding what to bring.

Alicia, who is hosting a Vegan Food Party this Sunday in San Rafael, has a straight-forward guideline for deciding what to bring:  “Depends on location–if it’s close, I like to bring something hot.  If it’s far, then I bring something that can be served cold or at room temperature.”

One of her favorite dishes is a linguine with a peanut sauce with steamed broccoli. The peanut sauce has peanut butter, rice vinegar, crushed red pepper flakes, olive oil, soy sauce, and water or veggie stock.

Cheryl, who is hosting a Vegan Food Party next month in Pacifica, shares her strategy: “I have selected what I bring to a food part a few different ways.  The first time I went to a summer Vegan food party, I went online and searched Vegan Summer recipes and found a wonderful vegan potato salad and I still make it to this day.   It was a wonderful way to find a new recipe that became part of my classic recipes.  I have also made something that I had somewhere when I was out and decided to have a go and make it on my own without a receipe.  It was a Cold Asian Tofu Marinate over rice and it turned out to be a huge success.

I think it is fun to try new ideas and create your own recipes, but I have also made something that I have made for myself in the past too!  This upcoming party I am making something fun and that I have made in the recent past.”

There’s a variety of ways to decide what to bring.  Tammy and Chris, who hosted the first-ever Vegan Food Party, share a couple of their ideas on how to decide what to bring:  “Sometimes we need inspiration to try a new recipe, so we pick one that sounds interesting and bring it to the VFP to ‘animal test it’.  Or, maybe it’s an excuse to make a favorite dish that we haven’t had in awhile, like macaroni and cheese.  Because we both love vegan desserts, we’ll often bring something in that category, like brownies, chocolate mousse pie, cheesecake, apple cake, or pumpkin pie.”

So, join your fellow vegan food-lovers at an upcoming Vegan Food Party

02/06 VFP – San Rafael Add event to your local calendar
03/12 VFP – Pacifica Add event to your local calendar

Thanks to Cheryl for sharing her favorite potato salad recipe that she’s made twice for summer parties.

Vegan Calico Potato Salad


For the Dressing:
1/2 cup olive oil
1/4 cup vinegar (Red Wine Garlic)
1 1/2 tsp. Cayenne Pepper
1 tsp. Sea Salt
Dash of hot pepper sauce

For the Salad:
2 lb. red potatoes, peeled, cooked, and cubed (Organic)
1 1/2 cups cooked whole-kernel corn  (*Can)
1 cup shredded carrot  (Organic)
1/2 cup chopped red onion
1/2 cup diced green pepper (organic)
1/2 cup diced red pepper (Organic)
1/2 cup sliced olives  (Can)

For the Dressing:
• Combine all the ingredients. Cover and chill.

For the Salad:
• In a large bowl, combine all the ingredients.

To Assemble:
• Combine the salad and the dressing and toss to mix.

Makes 14 servings

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