Cafe Soulstice

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0 out of 5 stars 0 / 5.0, 1 reviews
Address: 440 Portage Avenue (El Camino Real), Palo Alto 94306
Area: Peninsula
Phone: (650) 812-0144
Hours: Mon-Thu 8:30 am - 7:30 pm, Fri-Sun 8:30 am - 2 pm
Category: Restaurant/Food Vendor (Vegan)
Restaurant Type: Raw
Average cost: $11-$20  per person after tax and tip$11-$20  per person after tax and tip
Vegan Dessert: Yes
Accepts credit card: Yes

Notes: Located in the Equinox Gym. Mostly vegan, but there is honey in a few dishes. Catering available.

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Added by veganhobbit on 2008-06-14, Last update: 2009-06-07, Viewed 4554 times
Last 5 Reviews

Average rating:0 out of 5 stars 0 / 5.0 Based on 2 reviews. (Add/Edit your own review)

Rating Comments   Reviewer Date
5 out of 5 stars I love everything I've had here, but do note that it's 100% RAW (except possibly the quinoa). I love the chocolate maca smoothie, but my 7 year old swears by the raspberries and cream smoothie. My 5 year old prefers the chocolate cream pie, and my favorite item is the Superfood Cluster. Sleek, non-cozy ambiance. Lots of buses run on El Camino (half block away); also plenty of free parking. jessica
Reviews: 15
5 out of 5 stars It's great to have a vegan option in the PA area. Food is a little pricey, but I find that I am completely satisfied by the Fiesta Quinoa Toss - which is great tasting and very filling. They also offer smoothies, but I haven't tried one because I'm already full with just a glass of water. greg
Reviews: 133

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