Vegan Sweeties

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0 out of 5 stars 0 / 5.0, 5 reviews
Address: 501 Old County Rd. Ste. J (Marine View), Belmont 94002
Area: Peninsula
Phone: (650) 595-9589
Category: Service
Accepts credit card: Yes
Transit: Vegan Sweeties is located 1/2 mile North of the Ralston Ave. Caltrain stop.

Notes: Vegan Sweeties is both a Pre-Order and Online Vegan Bakery. Please phone in, fax, email or order online. All items are made after your order is placed to ensure the freshest quality cookie.

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Added by lsdolan on 2007-12-16, Last update: 2007-12-16, Viewed 4532 times
Last 5 Reviews

Average rating:0 out of 5 stars 0 / 5.0 Based on 5 reviews. (Add/Edit your own review)

Rating Comments   Reviewer Date
5 out of 5 stars I placed a custom order for frosted cupcakes for my daughter's birthday party. Both the chocolate and vanilla flavors and frostings were delicious. They pleased my daughter, her friends, and my husband, all of whom are non-veg. The owner is super nice and responsive. Very reasonable prices. Awesome customer service. jessica
Reviews: 15
4.5 out of 5 stars The chocolate cookies I tried were decent (they had nuts in them, not my favorite) but the brownie cookies were absolutely divine. Two thumbs up on both flavors from non-vegan husband! kimflournoy
Reviews: 5
4 out of 5 stars Traditional choc chip cookie and choc brownie cookies were very good, my non-veg boyfriend tried them & said ... almost tastes like the real thing! Not sure what he meant by "almost." I've been wanting to find good vegan cookies that I can send as birthday gifts that can "pass" as "regular" cookies for non-veg friends ... I hope Vegan Sweeties will be able to help. Further testing is needed! :) calicokitten
Reviews: 34
4.5 out of 5 stars Yummy - soft and not too sweet (the chocolate chip could have more chips , nuts and vanilla flavor for me) kattsndawggs
Reviews: 3
4.5 out of 5 stars Laurie generously donated 2 pkgs. of cookies to the BAVeg Vegan Book Club. We got to try the brownie (light & fluffy) and chocolate chip (traditional soft texture). They were both delicious. A package would make a great host/hostess gift. Now I REALLY want to try the peanut butter chocolate chip, the peanut butter, & also the Russian tea cakes/sugar cookies. Order arrived in perfect condition. LHLisavegan
Reviews: 65

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