Fon Yong

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0 out of 5 stars 0 / 5.0, 2 reviews
Address: 1065 Holly St. (Old County Rd.), San Carlos 94070
Area: Peninsula
Phone: (650) 637-9238
Hours: Mon-Fri 11am-2:30pm, 4:30pm-9:30pm; Sat 1pm-9:30pm; Sun 4:30pm-9pm
Category: Restaurant/Food Vendor (Vegan Friendly)
Restaurant Type: Chinese
Average cost: $5-$10 per person after tax and tip
Vegan Dessert: Yes
Accepts credit card: Yes
Parking: Small parking lot
Transit: Sam Trans on El Camino or Cal Train to San Carlos Station.

Notes: Not exclusively veg since menu includes sea critters but does have two page vegetarian menu (mostly vegan). Lunch specials mostly $5.25 and include soup, rice and a fortune cookie. Dinner is either a la carte (24 entree choices) or you can order the Vegetarian Dinner at $9.95 per person. Generous serving sizes.

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Added by Michael Mancuso on 2005-03-26, Last update: 2005-03-29, Viewed 4847 times
Last 5 Reviews

Average rating:0 out of 5 stars 0 / 5.0 Based on 2 reviews. (Add/Edit your own review)

Rating Comments   Reviewer Date
4.5 out of 5 stars I had a nice meal here. Lots of veg*n choices, with both healthy and heavy options. No problem to identify vegan items with owners/servers when ordering. I also liked it more than Garden Fresh. greg
Reviews: 133
4 out of 5 stars The owners are Budhhist from Taiwan and they are very nice. Their good hearts permeates the food. Better than Joy Meadow or Garden Fresh. They have a loyal following. gail.jyestha
Reviews: 1

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