Green Papaya

Closed Jan 2012
No longer veg, re-opened under new name
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0 out of 5 stars 0 / 5.0, 9 reviews
Address: 2016 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley 94704
Area: East Bay
Phone: (510) 845-1658
Hours: Mon-Sat 11 am - 11 pm, Sun 4 - 11 pm
Category: Restaurant/Food Vendor (Vegetarian Friendly)
Restaurant Type: Thai
Average cost: $11-$20  per person after tax and tip$11-$20  per person after tax and tip
Vegan Dessert: Yes
Accepts credit card: Yes
Transit: "Berkeley" BART station

Notes: BEWARE: Restaurant has been reclassified from Vegan to Vegetarian-Friendly. Some curry sauces have shrimp paste, but items may still be listed incorrectly as "vegetarian" on the menu.

Thai restaurant in downtown Berkeley. Lunch menu has lunch specials and combos. Dinner menu has appetizers, soups, entrees, and desserts.

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Green Papaya
Added by chris on 2009-12-21, Last update: 2011-03-15, Viewed 4889 times
Last 5 Reviews (Show All Reviews)

Average rating:0 out of 5 stars 0 / 5.0 Based on 9 reviews. (Add/Edit your own review)

Rating Comments   Reviewer Date
4 out of 5 stars I called them with questions. A waitress said they don't use fish sauce, shrimp paste, or any other ingredients from animals, and they never used those in the past. She heard that some customers say they used those things, she doesn't know why they say that. I don't know what to think now. It's hard to sort this out. jordanrothstein
Reviews: 6
0 out of 5 stars I ate there once when I thought it was all vegan. I've since found out that there is shrimp paste in some dishes and I may have consumed it. One dish did taste fishy to me and I didn't like that dish, but sea veggies, osyter mushrooms, etc. taste fishy to me; I thought that was it. I will not be dining there again. I do not trust this restaurant. LHLisavegan
Reviews: 65
2.5 out of 5 stars The food I had here was delicious, the staff was friendly, and the atmosphere was pleasant. Please note that at one point it was discovered that they were using shrimp paste in a few of their dishes however I have since confirmed with a member of the waitstaff that they are no longer using shrimp paste as of 3/7/11 Warren
Reviews: 37
0 out of 5 stars I ate there when they said they were "all vegan". I thought it was only okay so I didn't post a review. Now I've learned that customers have been telling them that their dishes with "shrimp paste" are not vegetarian, but they continue to use the sauce and tell people the dishes are vegetarian. When I called them yesterday, they said those dishes (with shrimp paste) are still vegetarian but not vegan. I also told them those curry dishes using the sauce with shrimp paste are not vegetarian, and to remove the dishes from their menu, if they wish to remain as a vegetarian restaurant. No apparent active owner/management. Sigh....... tammy
Reviews: 139
3.5 out of 5 stars I've been here several times. Its standard Thai fare, nothing special but worth a visit to be sure there's no fish sauce. Tasty appetizers. Almost everything has tofu. I usually leave with a greasy feeling unless I stick to the cucumber salad and fresh coconut :-( cinnazimt
Reviews: 20
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