Black China Bakery and Cafe

Closed February 2010
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0 out of 5 stars 0 / 5.0, 4 reviews
Address: 1121 Soquel Ave, Santa Cruz
Area: Santa Cruz
Phone: (831) 460 1600
Hours: Mon: 7am-11am; Tue-Fri: 7am-5pm; Sat-Sun: 8am-4pm
Category: Restaurant/Food Vendor (Vegetarian)
Restaurant Type: Bakery/Dessert
Average cost: $11-$20  per person after tax and tip$11-$20  per person after tax and tip
Vegan Dessert: Yes
Accepts credit card: Yes

Notes: Small, simple and elegant define the menu and outdoor ambience at this cafe. Limited indoor seating but ample seating in beautiful garden patio. To reach the bakery/cafe, enter through Ironwood when that store is open or access back entrance through nearby alley.

For vegans, half of 6 sandwiches can be vegan. Sandwiches include salad and are $8.75 - $9.25; soups ($4.50 and $6.50) plus small refrigerated case of desserts (purchase $5/slice or entire cake).

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Black China Bakery and Cafe
Added by chris on 2005-08-07, Last update: 2010-06-22, Viewed 16056 times
Last 5 Reviews

Average rating:0 out of 5 stars 0 / 5.0 Based on 4 reviews. (Add/Edit your own review)

Rating Comments   Reviewer Date
3.5 out of 5 stars Sandwich served with salad tasty but pricey at $9. Personally, having enjoyed their legendary desserts for many years, I was disappointed in the small selection and at how expensive it was at their own store--$5/slice. If you're looking for a light meal in a beautiful outdoor seating, this is a great place. tammy
Reviews: 139
4 out of 5 stars Very small menu, but it is a cafe after all. Tasty sandwiches, a tad on the expensive side for portion size and a little disappointed that the black china cake was so expensive considering they make it themselves. Can be found in other local establishments for a few dollars less. They also only had two coffee options (3 if you include espresso), and the soy milk used sadly curdled/separated in the coffee. They've got a great job on the decor/both inside and out given such a small space. I can see it being rather cold or snug in the winter months. chris
Reviews: 82
5 out of 5 stars I've never been to the actual site but I've eaten their cakes at New World Vegetarian in Oakland and they were simply divine. I go to the restaurant just for the cakes. Even the frosting was amazing!! TiannaSheehan
Reviews: 3
5 out of 5 stars With a huge mug of soy chai and a warm vegan scone, I could've sat in their restful little bamboo garden for hours. kitzcatzhatz
Reviews: 20

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