May/June 2015 News

Hi {FIRST_NAME|Veg Friend,}

This month is moving quickly - are you ready for our May Vegan Food Party?  It's this Saturday the 23rd at 5 pm, hosted by Kryss in Vallejo (RSVP here).  We still have open dates for hosting in the fall, just email me if 9/26 or 10/24 works (our VFP is always the 4th Saturday of the month).

So far this year we have had
- 4 Vegan Food Party events (4th Saturday, monthly)

- launched our Vegan Book Club and read 2 books (Last Thursday, bi-monthly)

- started the Healthy Veg Support Group & had 2 meetings (2nd Thursday, monthly)

- continued with vegan outreach: distributed 8,935 booklets and flyers about the treatment of animals on farms, environmental impact of animal-based foods, and veganism in Vallejo, Napa and Fairfield.   (Vallejo Farmer's Market 1st & 3rd Saturday through summer; college leafleting resumes 8/17 with Fall semester) 

Yes, we did all that.  Check out the photos from this past Saturday's outreach (and read about 3 generations of vegans), and there's more photo links below. 

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.
-Margaret Mead

Join us in being a change maker; please participate in our activities and tell all your friends.  An easy way to start is by forwarding this email to them, invite them to an activity with you, and remind them to subscribe to our e-newsletter.  If you're ready to be more involved, then simply reply to this email.

We are using social media to raise awareness of our activities. If you are, too, please interact with our events and activities on Facebook and use these hashtags - #baveg (for any activities related to our group), #veganvallejo (for Vallejo), #vegannapa (for Napa), and #veganxxx (replace xxx for any other city).

Just announced today - Animal Place sanctuary is the new owner of the vegan store, Republic of V, now called Vegan Republic. Who's up for a roadtrip to Berkeley to check it out?

For the animals,


Upcoming Events [add your event to the calendar]

05/23 BAVeg 4th Saturday Vegan Food Party - Vallejo Add event to your local calendar
05/23 Community Fruit Tree Harvest & Food Sharing Program - Vallejo Add event to your local calendar
06/05 Farmed Animal Conference - Animal Place Sanctuary Add event to your local calendar

06/06 BAVeg Outreach at Vallejo Farmer's Market - Vallejo Add event to your local calendar
06/06 Empty the Tanks Worldwide 2015 - Vallejo Add event to your local calendar
06/11 Healthy Veg Discussion & Support Group - American Canyon Add event to your local calendar

06/20 BAVeg Outreach at Vallejo Farmer's Market - Vallejo Add event to your local calendar
06/20 Protest Six Flags Discovery Kingdom - Vallejo Add event to your local calendar
06/20 Community Fruit Tree Harvest & Food Sharing Program - Vallejo Add event to your local calendar

06/25 Book Club: WILL TRAVEL FOR VEGAN FOOD - Vallejo Add event to your local calendar

"Despite a shiny new graduate degree, a dream job, and a great relationship, something felt terribly off in Kristin's life. With the weight of uncertainty riding high, she stumbled upon some reading materials that would inspire a complete upheaval of her current life path. To the shock of family and friends, Kristin quit her job, ditched almost all of her belongings, crowdsourced funds, moved into an old van named Gerty, and set out on the road in an effort to eat at and write about every single vegan restaurant in the United States. Join Kristin for the ultimate foodie-inspired road trip that spanned 2 years, 48 states, 547 restaurants, and more than 39,000 miles; and find out how it led to her unparalleled freedom, love, and amazing self-discovery"

06/27 BAVeg 4th Saturday Vegan Food Party - Napa Add event to your local calendar


Vallejo Earth Day Reading vegan leaflet at Vallejo Farmer's Market Vegan Book Club
Vallejo Earth Day Reading leaflets at Farmer's Market Book Schedule  and Descriptions

Gallery Link for more photos .. and to see more photos "real-time", check us out on Facebook