Double your Donation for Meat-Eaters to try Veg Food

Saturday, March 24th, 2012

Please join Bay Area Vegetarians for the first annual Oakland Veg Week!

Oakland Veg Week is a week-long celebration (April 15-21, 2012) that invites meat-eaters to pledge to be vegetarian for one week. It’s a positive, upbeat event where everyone wins: Meat-eaters who want a little help with their veg experiment, local restaurants who want more customers, the City of Oakland (who, let’s face it, could use some happy press!), and most importantly, the animals who would really, really, really like to see more vegetarians!

Bay Area Vegetarians is going to match every donation made for OVW12 up to $500.00. For real! That means a possible total of $1,000 to buy more vegan food to give to meat-eaters…if you can help us out. Your $50 donation is actually $100 with this match, and it’s tax-deductible! Oakland Veg Week is all volunteer, all free, and all awesome. With your support, OVW can reach more meat-eaters with the veg information and samples.

Please consider donating today to help create more vegetarians!
Bay Area Vegetarians, OVW, P.O. Box 700, Vallejo, CA 94590 credit card also accepted

What we like most about Oakland Veg Week … let us know what you like about OVW in the comments.

Read the rest of this entry »

Favorite Dishes for a Vegan Food Party

Saturday, February 5th, 2011

Bay Area Vegetarians’ Vegan Food Party (VFP) is a community-inspired gathering where new and old friends meet to share conversation and like-minded camaraderie over homemade vegan foods.  Both members and guests (including veg*ns and non-veg*ns) are welcome to attend, as long as they bring a vegan dish to share.

And that’s the challenge for the party go’er.. deciding what to bring.

Alicia, who is hosting a Vegan Food Party this Sunday in San Rafael, has a straight-forward guideline for deciding what to bring:  “Depends on location–if it’s close, I like to bring something hot.  If it’s far, then I bring something that can be served cold or at room temperature.”

One of her favorite dishes is a linguine with a peanut sauce with steamed broccoli. The peanut sauce has peanut butter, rice vinegar, crushed red pepper flakes, olive oil, soy sauce, and water or veggie stock.

Cheryl, who is hosting a Vegan Food Party next month in Pacifica, shares her strategy: “I have selected what I bring to a food part a few different ways.  The first time I went to a summer Vegan food party, I went online and searched Vegan Summer recipes and found a wonderful vegan potato salad and I still make it to this day.   It was a wonderful way to find a new recipe that became part of my classic recipes.  I have also made something that I had somewhere when I was out and decided to have a go and make it on my own without a receipe.  It was a Cold Asian Tofu Marinate over rice and it turned out to be a huge success.

I think it is fun to try new ideas and create your own recipes, but I have also made something that I have made for myself in the past too!  This upcoming party I am making something fun and that I have made in the recent past.”

There’s a variety of ways to decide what to bring.  Tammy and Chris, who hosted the first-ever Vegan Food Party, share a couple of their ideas on how to decide what to bring:  “Sometimes we need inspiration to try a new recipe, so we pick one that sounds interesting and bring it to the VFP to ‘animal test it’.  Or, maybe it’s an excuse to make a favorite dish that we haven’t had in awhile, like macaroni and cheese.  Because we both love vegan desserts, we’ll often bring something in that category, like brownies, chocolate mousse pie, cheesecake, apple cake, or pumpkin pie.”

So, join your fellow vegan food-lovers at an upcoming Vegan Food Party

02/06 VFP – San Rafael Add event to your local calendar
03/12 VFP – Pacifica Add event to your local calendar

Thanks to Cheryl for sharing her favorite potato salad recipe that she’s made twice for summer parties.

Vegan Calico Potato Salad


For the Dressing:
1/2 cup olive oil
1/4 cup vinegar (Red Wine Garlic)
1 1/2 tsp. Cayenne Pepper
1 tsp. Sea Salt
Dash of hot pepper sauce

For the Salad:
2 lb. red potatoes, peeled, cooked, and cubed (Organic)
1 1/2 cups cooked whole-kernel corn  (*Can)
1 cup shredded carrot  (Organic)
1/2 cup chopped red onion
1/2 cup diced green pepper (organic)
1/2 cup diced red pepper (Organic)
1/2 cup sliced olives  (Can)

For the Dressing:
• Combine all the ingredients. Cover and chill.

For the Salad:
• In a large bowl, combine all the ingredients.

To Assemble:
• Combine the salad and the dressing and toss to mix.

Makes 14 servings

Awesome first day at Pride! Visit us on Sunday

Saturday, June 26th, 2010
Table full of veg info

Veg Info for LGBT Pride

We had an amazing & awesome first day at the BAVeg SF LGBT Pride booth!!  A huge number of folks interested in veg*nism came by for their Free Veg Starter Kit, and sampled delicious coconut milk ice cream samples and meatless jerky.

I’m really looking forward to Day 2, Sunday.  We’ll again have the BAVeg booth (we’re on Larkin in front of the Asian Art Museum), and will also be doing some leafleting to the crowd who are standing around and waiting for the Parade to start ( for those watching the parade, look for the EBAA veg contingent!)

For now, I’ve uploaded a few of the photos that I took of our booth, and there will be more to come that the other volunteers have taken.

Our entirely all-volunteer crew made this day possible.   I am privileged to have collaborated with such a dedicated group of fellow veg*ns on our outreach booth.

Michelle & Dan

Michelle & Dan

Let’s give them all a virtual big hand of applause:
– Michelle, Dan, George and myself did the setup
– Heidi and Donna staffed the veg booth
– Heidi was also busy taking photographs, and Donna made the most amazing vegan goodies for the booth volunteers
– Michelle and Dan gave out information & stickers galore
– Mila and Mike organized the hugely popular ice cream samples (dry ice is amazing)
– Chris designed the new banners that had people walking over to the booth asking for their Free Veg Starter Kit

We also owe thanks to:
– Turtle Mountain and Primal Spirit Foods for So Delicious Coconut Milk Ice Cream Sandwiches and Primal Strips donations, respectively, distributed to booth visitors
– PCRM, PETA and Vegan Outreach generously donated literature
– Individuals who donated in response to our plea, which so far partially cover our expenses for Pride

BAVeg will be back at SF LGBT Pride all day Sunday .  Our info booth is on Larkin, right in front of the Asian Art Museum  Come by and say hello, and grab some literature for you or a friend 🙂

– Tammy


8th year of BAVeg Outreach at SF LGBT

Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010
Ask Me about Meat

Ask Me About Meat

We started in 2003, and had a booth annually until 2008 when we did leafleting only. In 2009, the booth returned, as well as an entry in the Parade. 2010 is our 8th year of outreach at SF LGBT Pride, with a booth on both days as well as pre-parade leafleting on Sunday.

Our history of outreach at Pride is represented in these photo galleries.

2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003

San Francisco Civic Center
Recommend BART or Muni (Civic Center Station)

Please visit our booth and say hello, and grab some literature for a non-veg friend!

Bay Area Vegetarians booth location – J13
In front of Asian Art Museum on Larkin

We are still in need of donations to cover the cost of our chicken display and other Pride expenses – please help if you can. (more info)


Saturn Cafe (Berkeley) opens July 7th

Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010

Thanks to Jeanna at Saturn Cafe for the update:

We will be opening at 2175 Allston Way on July 7th (only a few weeks left!) Also, our brunch menu is now served during all hours of operation.

Ultimate Guide: Saturn Cafe (Berkeley)


Let’s plan our summer events

Sunday, June 6th, 2010

The goal of the Bay Area Vegetarians is to share information promoting veganism, and connect/support the veg and animal rights community. What happens or doesn’t happens depends on each one of us, and in the long-run, determines how well we eat because most events should involve lots of vegan food (well, at least the ones that I’m involved with do!)

Does anyone have a special BAVeg event they’ve been thinking of organizing, but uncertain about how to get started?

Well, the first step is to email us with the date/time and let us know what you want to do. Just about any type of event (as long as all the food is vegan) and it’s open to everyone can be a BAVeg event.

Here are some ideas

  • vegan cheese tasting party
  • leaflet at a concert or summer fair
  • Mission food trek (Cafe Gratitude/Cha Ya/Herbivore/Udupi)
  • organize a dinner at your favorite veg restaurant
  • organize a Vegan Food Party at your favorite park or home
  • DIY skill share: have something to say or something to show related to veganism/animal rights? Let me know, we will be having regular Vegan Food Parties at the ocean-view community room at the Pacifica Library.
  • movie night: screen a movie related to veg/AR. either at your home, or community room

We look forward to hearing about the events you’d like to help make happen. Thank you!

BAVeg Pride 2010

Tuesday, May 4th, 2010

Bay Area Vegetarians is returning to the 2010 SF Pride Celebration — this will be our 8th consecutive year with outreach at San Francisco PRIDE!

Once again, BAVeg will have an information booth in front of the Asian Art Museum, giving out thousands of pieces of literature promoting a more compassionate and cruelty-free lifestyle:  veganism!  We will also be leafleting during the Festival.  [ Volunteer Sign-Up ]

Nora has been part of our outreach at Pride since the first year in 2003. She recounted one of her experiences about Pride leafleting:

One older man stopped after taking my brochure, looked at it for maybe 15 seconds, and said, “Wow. Thanks for ruining my day!” I started to reply, saying, “I’m sorry to ruin your day–I know this is upsetting–but thanks for caring so much about animals that it ruined your day to know how they are suffering.”

He said, “Actually, though it does kind of ruin my day to see this, I was being serious in thanking you. We need people like you out doing the dirty work of making people aware of this issue. Thank you for being here.”

This is what we are providing when we leaflet. Aren’t you glad you know about how the animals are treated so that you can choose to do something about it? Give others that opportunity to make a difference, as well! And give the animals an opportunity for people to consider their plight.

Please use this sign-up form if you’re interested in helping to make a more veg*n world by:

– staffing the BAVeg booth [ Saturday 10 am-7pm, Sunday 10 am-6 pm ]
– leafleting outside the booth [same time as above]
– leafleting the parade crowd before the parade starts [ Sun 9 am – 10:15 am]
– behind the scenes help [ booth set-up, or cart wrangler on Sunday AM]

While previous outreach experience is helpful, it’s not necessary. We just ask that you’re a friendly person, already vegan, or vegetarian transitioning towards vegan, who can reliably show up at the event. If you have questions, you’re welcome to email us directly or post a comment in the blog.

While financial donations to support the cost of outreach at Pride are gratefully accepted, as a small, grassroots all-volunteer organization, we depend even more on your volunteer support of your time and compassion to make our outreach at Pride successful this year.   Last year, as in previous years, we were the only veg group distributing information at this progressive two-day event. Please sign up to help today to spread the veg message. Donations are welcome via check to Bay Area Vegetarians, P.O. Box 371215, Montara, CA 94037-1215.

Thank you to everyone who has supported our efforts in the past, and to everyone who will help us this year.  Thank you to East Bay Animal Advocates for sponsoring/organizing the marching contingent in the Pride Parade this year.  So be sure to mark your calendars for that weekend, and reserve your spot today!

Where: San Francisco Civic Center
When: Sat Jun 26th – Sun Jun 27th
What: Making a difference – Making new Veg*ns!

Volunteer Sign-Up

Sold-out Success: The Chocolate Trio

Tuesday, April 6th, 2010
Dr. Christine Dickson, Secrets of Vegan Baking

Dr. Christine Dickson, Secrets of Vegan Baking

Dr. Christine Dickson relaunched the Secrets of Vegan Baking Classes with theme class of “The Chocolate Trio” on March 27th at the San Mateo Whole Foods.

The class was sold-out, and unfortunately for those anxiously waiting for a cancellation, we had a full house.

Christine started the class with a bonus — sampling her delightful fudgie brownie bites.

Then the class officially began with the featured vegan desserts, Chocolate Cream-Cheese Bundt Cake, Chocolate Chip Cookies, and then the Chocolate Hazelnut Torte.  Christine had prepared samples of each dessert (pictured above at the beginning of the class).

During the class, Christine and volunteer assistants from the audience prepared each vegan delight.  Both the Chocolate Chip Cookies  and Chocolate Cream-Cheese Bundt Cake in class were also baked fresh in class and available for more sampling.

Vegan Baking Class, March 2010

Vegan Baking Class, March 2010

If you love chocolate, visit Christine’s website to watch how to make fudge brownie bites.

Upcoming Secrets of Vegan Baking Class

The next vegan baking class is “Berry Sweets” on Saturday, April 24th, at San Mateo Whole Foods.

Christine will share her secrets of baking delicious old-fashioned strawberry shortcake, raspberry tart, and blueberry muffins.  Cost is $25 per person, and registrations are now being accepted.  [ more info ]

Thank you to Christine for sharing her time and talents for creating egg- and dairy-free desserts.  Most attendees at the class were new to vegan baking, and we look forward to our continued partnership with Christine and the Secrets of Vegan Baking to promote compassionate and cruelty-free baking in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Basil Cha Cha (Foster City)

Monday, April 5th, 2010

Basil Cha Cha Vegetarian Bistro, Foster City’s first vegetarian restaurant, opened in early March. It’s entirely vegetarian, and the menu clearly distinguishes between what is vegan and vegetarian.  Nearly everything on the menu can be made vegan.

It is a spin-off of an earlier restaurant in this same space, which was a mixed Thai restaurant with the same owner.  The owner moved her original mixed Thai restaurant to another location in the same mall, and opened up this all vegetarian bistro.

There’s a nice bayside trail across the street, so bring your appetite and your walking shoes.

Ultimate Guide – Basil Cha Cha:  read it, rate it, review it

With the recent opening of Basil Cha Cha and Garden Fresh in Palo Alto, the Peninsula is now home to a record 5 vegetarian restaurants.

Thanks to Dipti for the heads-up on Basil Cha Cha.

Garden Fresh (Palo Alto)

Monday, April 5th, 2010

We’ve been waiting since the new year to make this announcement:  Garden Fresh, a long-time favorite of the vegetarian community in Mountain View, has expanded to a second location in Palo Alto on Ramona Street.  Palo Alto now boasts two vegan restaurants.

Thanks to Elizabeth for the update!

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