Forum & Email Lists
BAVeg offers mailing lists as well as a forum for the local vegan, vegetarian, and animal rights community. In particular, the forum is a wonderful way to have extended and ongoing discussions about serious or fun topics simultaneously, since all discussions stay grouped or threaded by topic. You also have the option to edit or delete your forum posts at any time.
Your userid is unique to and can be anything you want. It can be the same as your userid on other systems (like yahoo, gmail, etc) or maybe it’s just your name! Hint: “Tammy” and “Chris” are taken though. You can also personalize your userid profile with an avatar, and fun facts you want to share with others.
Check out the forum at
Posting a Message
Basically, on an email list like SFBAVEG hosted on YahooGroups, you can post a message by email OR if you have a yahoo userid, you can post online via the YahooGroups site ( )
In the BAVeg forum ( ) , users post directly in the forum — either a “new topic” or for an existing discussion, “post reply”. The discussions stay threaded or grouped by topic. For example, there is a forum category “What Do Vegans Eat“. Today Tammy posted a new topic What is your “stranded on an island” survival food. All responses to that topic will stay centralized in that one topic, which makes it easier to read the responses.
Reading Messages
For SFBAVeg, you can choose to read messages online only OR to have messages sent to you via email (individually or digest).
With the forum, you can read messages online at the forum and not receive any emails at all. Or, you can select to receive emails only on the topics you are interested in (“watch this topic”) OR only on topics in which you’ve replied (“notify me when a reply is posted”)
Using the Forum
1) Register – If you don’t have a userid on the BAVEG website, then you can sign-up to get one. Note — this userid is unique to; you can choose to make it the same as your existing email address or since we have a smaller group of users, make it your name
Note, after you sign-up, you’ll be sent a separate email to confirm your registration and activate your account. If you don’t get this email after a day, your email software or provider may have filtered it into your spam or junk folders. If you don’t find it after looking there, please email us through the contact page with the userid that you used and your email address and we can manually activate your userid for you.
2) Login – If you already have a userid on the BAVEG website, even if forgot your password, go to LOGIN. Use the “I forgot my password” link to have your password resent to you.
3) Email Notification (optional)
When you post, you can select “notify me when a reply is posted“. This means an email will be sent to you everytime someone replies to yourpost.
If you want to get an email everytime someone posts in a specific topic, select the link at the top “Watch this topic for replies“. After you’ve selected that, it then gives you another link to “Stop watching this topic” which will disable the automatic alerts
4) Ultimate Guide Reviews – Now that you have your forum userid, you can also review businesses in the Ultimate Guide!
Using the Mailing Lists
If you’d like to receive more than just our monthly newsletter, sign-up for the mailing lists you’re interested in. SFBAVEG is for events and discussions/questions/reviews while SFBAVEG-EVENTS is only the events from SFBAVEG (yes, it is redundant to subscribe to both of these lists).