Help needed with online posts (reliable people only)

Bay Area Vegetarians is the awesome non-profit that manages this website and the mailing lists SFBAVEG and SFBAVEG-EVENTS.

We really need reliable help with online promotion.

Online promotion means posting event & activity notices on Craigslists and other online calendars. (Text will be provided.)

Reliable means – you’re passionate about promoting veganism, passionate about Bay Area Veg and our model of Community, Advocacy, Resources & Education, and when you say you have time to help, you really will make time to help.

Help means a commitment of 1-2 hours a week, and I’m looking for someone who will help for 6-9 months. You’ll need basic computer savvy or willingess to learn on your own, and with good communication skills over email.

And, I cannot stress the importance of only applying if you are a reliable individual. Sorry to have to be so stern about this, but I always get people responding to this type of plea for help, but then they never follow through, for whatever reason.

Bay Area Vegetarians has a small dedicated core group of volunteers that make our events happen. An even smaller core group is dedicated to the administrative aspects of Bay Area Veg. If you can help us, please email Tammy.

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